Democrat Proposal to Quadruple Tax Rate Would Hurt Consumers, Small Businesses
Apr. 18, 2024 / Embed
The current Democrat majority in Harrisburg is proposing to quadruple the tax rate on small businesses. This progressive agenda stands in stark contrast to the tax cuts the GOP-controlled House passed last session. The House Republican Policy Committee traveled to Marietta to hear directly from the job creators, entrepreneurs, and industry stakeholders on what quadrupling the tax rate on small businesses would mean to consumers. The answer was simple: higher costs, lower wages, fewer jobs.
Pennsylvania’s Path to Recovery
Feb. 23, 2024 / Embed
Communities across the Commonwealth are struggling with addiction. The House Republican Policy Committee traveled to New Castle to hear from experts in substance abuse law, pathology, counseling, and recovery. We must examine how we can best support each other on our state’s path to recovery
The True Impact
Jun. 14, 2023 / Embed
"Follow the science! Show me the data!" PA State Rep. David Rowe answers that call with a dizzying amount of data of what the TRUE impact would be of a $15 per hour minimum wage hike that is soon up for a final vote in the PA House.
Open the House Press Conference
Jan. 30, 2023 / Embed
Rep. Josh Kail and members of the PA House GOP Policy Committee hold a press conference urging PA House Speaker Mark Rozzi to open the House and start conducting the people's business.
Rep. Rowe comments on H.B. 2682, PA House Floor
Sep. 22, 2022 / Embed
Representative David Rowe comments on House Bill 2682.
Rep. Rowe Comments on Constitutional Carry.
Nov. 16, 2021 / Embed
Representative David Rowe applauds the House of Representatives for passing the constitutional carry legislation (SB 565).
Rep. Rowe Comments on H.B. 1300
Jun. 22, 2021 / Embed
Representative David Rowe explains his vote in favor of House Bill 1300, the Voter Rights Protection Act.
Allowing Caregivers to Visit Loved Ones
Jun. 22, 2021 / Embed
Representative David Rowe comments on an amendment to legislation (HB 618) that will prohibit the use of vaccine passports from being required by citizens to participate in routine activities within this Commonwealth.
Rowe Speaks on Amendment A01644
Jun. 22, 2021 / Embed
Representative David Rowe comments on an amendment to legislation (HB 618) that will prohibit the use of vaccine passports from being required by citizens to participate in routine activities within this Commonwealth.
Rowe Comments on HB 262
Jun. 16, 2021 / Embed
Representative David Rowe supports HB 262, an Act providing for the right of an employee or prospective employee to refuse to participate in an invasive medical test or injection required by an employee.