Sep. 17, 2019
HARRISBURG – Newly elected Rep. David H. Rowe (R-Snyder/Union) was sworn into office today during a ceremony held at the state Capitol.
Rowe won the Aug. 20 special election necessitated by the retirement of Fred Keller, the former 85th District state representative who has since been elected to the United States Congress. Rowe’s priorities include fighting for policies that encourage economic growth, support our farming community and provide family-sustaining jobs.
“As a small business owner, I understand how burdensome Pennsylvania’s costly taxes and harsh regulatory climate are for job creators,” said Rowe. “I’m excited to get to work in Harrisburg and represent the values of the hard-working taxpayers in Snyder and Union counties.”
Rowe has been the owner and operator of CrossFit Lewisburg for the past nine years and has also dedicated time to Christian missionary work as an educator in Southeast Asia. He resides in East Buffalo Township and attends the New Hope Lutheran Brethren Church, where he is a leader of its music ministry.
Prior to being elected to the House of Representatives, Rowe served as vice-chairman of the East Buffalo Board of Supervisors; secretary of the Union County Republican Committee; a member of the Capital Campaign Council of Evangelical Community Hospital; member of the board of directors for the Central Susquehanna Fire and Emergency Services; and commissioner of the Buffalo Valley Regional Police Department, among other leadership roles.
Rowe has financially supported the Expectations Women’s Center, a pro-life pregnancy aid center in the Lewisburg area; Buffalo Valley Recreation Authority; Union County Library; local youth sports clubs; and more.
Rowe’s legislative district office is located at 343 Chestnut St., Suite 1, Mifflinburg.
Rep. David Rowe
85th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Alison Basley
Rep. David H. Rowe is shown here on the House floor during his swearing-in ceremony at the state Capitol with his family, friends and supporters.